Return and Refund Policy

Once the Return has been accepted by courier partner and reaches us we will initiate the refund within 7 days after evaluating the product.

  • Products once delivered are non-returnable/ non-replaceable/ non-exchangeable, save and except: (a) if the product is damaged, defective, expired at the time of delivery or incorrectly delivered, and (b) if the return/ exchange policy listed with respect to the relevant product expressly and specifically permits the same – if so, the return/ exchange requests shall be processed in accordance with the terms of the relevant policy, including the specified timelines and conditions. You are requested to read the return policy of each product as available on the Zaamoon Platform before raising any request for return/ exchange or refund.
  • For digital goods (including gift cards/ vouchers), no return/ refund shall apply, and you are required to connect with the relevant issuer/ seller in case of any issues including but not limited to, validity, usage restrictions and/ or redemption related issues. For any such issues, please refer to the issuer/ seller’s terms and conditions that apply to you in addition to these Terms.
  • All refunds for permitted returns and permitted cancellations will be processed within 7 working days from the date of return/ cancellation approval of the product subject to satisfactory checks.